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Official Documents and Notices
All documents are available from the Parish Office

Borough of Telford and Wrekin Governance Review​

Telford & Wrekin Council have published their draft recommendations for the proposed reorganisation of the Town and Parish Councils across the Borough. These impact Stirchley and Brookside as follows:


The Stirchley elements of the Parish (TTH TTS and TTT) are transferred to a new The Nedge Parish which is warded. The Brookside element forms its own Brookside Parish (TBR).


Councillors of Stirchley and Brookside Parish Council will be considering these recommendations at their meeting on Tuesday 23rd July at The Sambrook Centre, Stirchley commencing at 7:00pm. Residents are welcome to attend or make their own representations.


The draft recommendations and accompanying documents provided by Telford & Wrekin Council can be viewed here.


Community Governance Review

Appendix A - Draft CGR Proposal

Appendix B - Map of Proposals

Appendix C - Revised CRG Timetable


Standing Orders

Standing orders are the rules by which the council agrees to conduct its business.  They are reviewed annually and as soon as possible following any changes in staffing or legislation.

Stirchley and Brookside Parish Council last reviewed their Standing Orders May 2020 or you may request a copy from the Parish Council Office.

Financial Regulations

Financial Regulations are required by local councils to ensure that public accountability and high standards of financial integrity are exercised over the control of public funds. The council's financial regulations comply with and support legislation relating to local councils. They are reviewed annually

Download the Financial Regulations June 2024 for Stirchley and Brookside Parish Council


The General Power of Competence

The Government introduced the General Power of Competence (GPC) in the Localism Act 2011 to  give eligible councils the power to ‘do anything individuals may generally do’ as long as it is not prohibited by other legislation or restrictions.  It is a power of first resort so the power may be used without having to consider other powers first. 

Stirchley and Brookside Parish Council  resolved at the AGM in of the council in mAY 2019 that they meet the following criteria:

  • Two thirds of the Council are elected, at the time of the resolution

  • The clerk holds either the Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA) including section 7 of CiLCA 2012; or a level 4 qualification from the University of Gloucestershire.

  • Eligibility must be re-confirmed at each annual meeting following an ordinary election.

  • In using the GPC councils must have regard to any relevant legislation, restrictions and potential risk to the council; they should also act within the general principle of ‘reasonableness’. 

General Data Protection Regulation
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will take effect in the UK from 25th May 2018.  It replaces the existing law on data protection (the Data Protection Act 1998) and gives individuals more rights and protections regarding how their personal data is used.  Local councils must comply with its requirements, just like any other organisation. 

Links to our key documents:


Personnel Polices

These are our Policies and Procedures relating to employment.



The care of the children, young people and vulnerable adults who use our services is very important to us.  The following polices, code of conduct and procedures have been adopted by the Parish Council. 


Polices and Procedures

Copies of the following policies and procedures can also be requested from the Parish Council Office.

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